Classmate's Store

Here is a list of Peterson Classmates who own their own company. Please consider shopping with them if you are in need of those products. 

Bob’s Tax Services
4123 Carson Rd
Camino, Ca. 95709
(530) 647-0735
Professionally Prepared Tax Returns at Reasonable Rates

..Personal Tax Returns (Federal and all States)
..Business Tax Returns (Partnership, LLC’s, S-Corp
..Business Payroll and Quarterly 941 Reports
..Bookkeeping Services Year-Round
..More than 20 years tax preparation experience
..Rates start as low as $50.00 for combined Federal and State Tax returns. This includes electronic filing.
..1040-EZ for your dependents included at no additional charge.
..Direct Debit if you owe. File now and pay later.
..Simple Privacy Policy-We don’t share your personal data!!
Robert Dibbell Class of '70

Do you have a business that you would like to promote to your classmates? Please contact us and we will set up a free page for your product.

There are a couple requirements to post your products. 
1.You must be the owner of the business for the products you are selling. 
2. You must state details of the product, costs and how much will go to the reunion fund.
3. No obscene/religious/political products.

How you can help out. 

Each time you purchase products from another classmate you are donating to the website maintenance. Be sure to let me know when you make a purchase so I can collect the funds from the product purchase.